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About Me



Mom to Twins - Wife - Ed. Tech Professional - Home Baker - Total Foodie

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So you want to learn more about me... OK, let's do this Two Truth's and a Lie style! (Answers at bottom...)


  1. I have lived in 4 different states

  2. I have never gotten a speeding ticket  

  3. I have a set of twins AND I am a twin


While you ponder on those, here's a little about me and how I got to baking macarons! 


I have always, ALWAYS loved baking goodies - and of course eating them too. Breads, pies, cookies, cakes...  you name it - I'd bake it. But macarons ... oof, macarons are those elusive treats that can make any baker cower. They are notoriously temperamental. Don't over mix, but don't under mix... don't bake too hot, but don't bake too cool... pretty much every step of the way must be done just-so. 


So when COVID came raging on the scene in 2020, I was on the hunt for a challenge that, well, I could do from home AND not stare at screens. Enter macarons!


It took more than a few tries (exploding macarons, browned shells - yes over and under mixing) before I got my groove making shells successfully! And now, I am completely hooked by all the exciting flavors, fillings and decorations.


After making "macs" for friends and family, folks started asking if they could place an order. So, I decided now to give it a go! Thus, Five Forks Macarons was born! It's been a joy to learn from other home bakers, meet new folks, and of course bake and bring people delicious bites to brighten their day.


When I'm not whipping, piping, baking and filling; I am a solutions product manager in education technology and love spending time with my family!


OK - so which one was the lie!? The first! I have  lived in 3 states - not 4 - Virginia, Georgia and South Carolina! I haven't gotten a speeding ticket, because, ehem, I obviously don't ever speed. And, as mentioned above, I do have twins, and actually have a twin sister of my own!


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